Or how to spot a viral campain
Sometimes I just wonder about my profession.
We're just f*kers. That's really it. We're just spammers, people who fill people's garbage with junkmail and waiste people time with publicity crap.
Anyway. At work, there is talk about building a viral campain for one of our big client that I can't name of course, well only if I really want to loose my job. Well, I probably loose my job soon anyway, but until then, I am enjoy a bit of a paycheck. And that's a good thing.
And on with the viral subject.
Now that I have dragged my profession in the mud a little bit, I will also tell you that there are some brilliant viral campains out there. And dome idiotic ones too.
Some, I don't even know if they are real campains or if it's just a moron doing some near-free of free publicity for big products...Like this guy on Blogger which says he likes "jucy fruit' or whatever. You probably got some spam from him, I won't even post a link to his "site" because it is of no interest and I don't want to make any publicity for him because it's a total waiste of time. But if you got some spam coments from him, you probably know who I'm talking about.
Waht I am trying to say it that sometimes, companies make blogs or websites that are boggus just to have extra possible reference to their products, that they can control. One example is the whole It's all Gone Pete Tong web campain. Where they had references to the character, Franky wild, as if he was a real DJ...
Another one is Adidas, using "Super Greg"
Yes my friends it is true! So just beware, and always be concious that, it's a world of logos and publicity we live in, so be concious of it.
The links I have posted here are for intest value.
I don't support these companies in any ways.
We're just f*kers. That's really it. We're just spammers, people who fill people's garbage with junkmail and waiste people time with publicity crap.
Anyway. At work, there is talk about building a viral campain for one of our big client that I can't name of course, well only if I really want to loose my job. Well, I probably loose my job soon anyway, but until then, I am enjoy a bit of a paycheck. And that's a good thing.
And on with the viral subject.
Now that I have dragged my profession in the mud a little bit, I will also tell you that there are some brilliant viral campains out there. And dome idiotic ones too.
Some, I don't even know if they are real campains or if it's just a moron doing some near-free of free publicity for big products...Like this guy on Blogger which says he likes "jucy fruit' or whatever. You probably got some spam from him, I won't even post a link to his "site" because it is of no interest and I don't want to make any publicity for him because it's a total waiste of time. But if you got some spam coments from him, you probably know who I'm talking about.
Waht I am trying to say it that sometimes, companies make blogs or websites that are boggus just to have extra possible reference to their products, that they can control. One example is the whole It's all Gone Pete Tong web campain. Where they had references to the character, Franky wild, as if he was a real DJ...
Another one is Adidas, using "Super Greg"
Yes my friends it is true! So just beware, and always be concious that, it's a world of logos and publicity we live in, so be concious of it.
The links I have posted here are for intest value.
I don't support these companies in any ways.
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